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how we grow leaders


MRC shares a simple, tried and tested framework that lays out the strategies, tactics, automation techniques, measuring progress indicators and people relationships required to continually grow.
The four pillars are:


takes us into a four dimensional journey where we take an inside out look at our internal and external resources. We explore Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit for the purposes of ascertaining our reality, based on real time and hard data and not fantasy or wishful thinking.


in this step we begin the process of exchanging OLD for GOLD. This simple yet powerful exercise sets the stage for lasting change, whilst addressing deep beliefs, false evidence from which we need to disenthrall ourselves, and patterns of behaviour that maybe holding us back from personal growth.


at this level we can clearly look back and see how far we have come, and as we look forward, we start to be purposeful about our learning. This is where we start to use our strategies to learn how to learn.


It is here that we experience the difference between addition and multiplication, begin to pass the baton to others so they themselves can start their own journey and become “WHOLE” persons, congruent and although never perfect, acutely aware of their meaning and purpose in life and business.

Our focus is to learn to cultivate depth of relationship, with growth minded individuals and organizations that want to make a difference by designing and living extraordinary lives, in their world first, then out in the world of family, friendships, and business. We echo the words of Confucius “The Ancients who wished to illustrate illustrious virtue throughout the kingdom first ordered well their own states. Wishing to order well their states, they first regulated their families. Wishing to regulate their families, they first cultivated their person.”

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Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aen ean massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...

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Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aen ean massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...

